Home Customer Stickiness For Your Enterprise

Customer Stickiness For Your Enterprise

What is Customer Stickiness?

“The degree to which the existing use of a product or service encourages its continued use as opposed to that of a competitor”.- investorwords.com

A little about Enterprise Nurs,a DreamOval product which is an innovation framework that helps enterprises deliver innovative customer-centric services essential to the enterprise in a quicker way.

Now that I’ve defined the two, let me tell you how to drive customer stickiness with Enterprise Nurs with these five simple steps.

1. Learn about your customer

Knowing your customer means, they mean a lot more to you than the transactions they have with your organization. Helping your organization continue the conversation after the transaction which you can only do well if you know your customer.

Enterprise Nurs has KYC widgets - Core and Customized. Core widgets come out of the box with Enterprise Nurs. Customized widgets can be integrated to show varying KYC data which is required by the enterprise to learn more about their customers.

2. Customer Complaints.

Customers complain. They’ll always do, but it is not always bad. Customer complaints are like second chances, grab it and redeem yourself. Most organizations have support staff but segregated from the administration of their core system.

Enterprise Nurs’ ESB enables organizations to integrate their support systems. This enables the organizations to continue the conversation started by support staff no matter how segregated the two systems are. Support can tell what services or actions customers have initiated or in the process of completing before calling support and maybe contact customers before they call. This type of preempting from an organization tells its customers that they care.

Enterprise Nurs gives organizations another opportunity to redeem themselves through this omni-channel.

3. Extensive monitoring of Customer’s Journey.

Once a customer signs up with your enterprise they are on a journey. A journey from acquisition to retention. With rich availability of metrics the customer’s journey can be monitored and evaluated. These metrics provide rich visibility into the the customer’s retention pipeline, this data can be used by marketers to pin point when and where customers can be given more value.

Enterprise Nurs tackles this problem with these two services - Customer Stream and LNS. Customer Stream is a real time activity stream for customers. Enterprise Nurs’ LNS (Live Notification Service) feeds of this stream to send notifications via any channel to the customer or any stakeholder in the customer’s journey with the organization.

The usage of Enterprise Nurs helps organizations not to be reactive. An enterprise will then be able create more value for its customers, value good enough to retain them.

4. BI Reports

BI tools help in making decisions. Regular analysis from BI tools gives up-to-date information organizations would need. organizations are able to see trends, notice changes and know when and where to improve the customer retention pipeline to meet the organization’s target.

Enterprise Nurs provides a self-service report engine where enterprises can do this with no stress. Enterprise Nurs’ ESB unifies data from multiple sources to provide a rich interactive report that can be represented as widgets in the application front-end, emailed regularly as a PDF or XLS, and oh, with drill-downs. Drill-down data that go steps deeper to show what data points make up the rich interactive display.

5. Adoption

..and YES steps one to four are not rocket science. They can’t be filed under a discovery of the day. They’ve been mentioned over and over again. They’ve been part of your organization’s annual or quarterly goals for years now.

Most problems associated with creating sticky customers evolves around the technology solutions, processes used and adoption of the two by staff and this is where Enterprise Nurs comes in

For more contact the Enterprise Nurs team

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