Kubernetes Operators Kubernetes Operators are patterns that help us extend the behavior of the cluster. Operators enable us to view an application deployed on Kubernetes as one item. That is your ...
Observability Stack with Grafana Loki Tempo and Prometheus
Observability Observability is tooling or a technical solution that allows teams to actively debug their system. Observability is based on exploring properties and patterns not defined in advance....
Apache Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi Operator
Strimzi is a kubernetes operator that enables a way to run an Apache Kafka cluster on Kubernetes in various deployment configurations with simple configurations. Meaning, we easily manage the lifec...
Taking DataStax Enterprise for a Spin on Kubernetes
1. Introduction DataStax Enterprise (DSE) version 6.8 a hybrid cloud, that is can run on-premises or across regions on the cloud to give all the capabilities of Apache Cassandra with enterprise to...
Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver POC
Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver POC Container Storage Interface is a standard for exposing arbitaryy block and file storage systems to containerized workloads in Kubernetes. There various thir...
Introduction to Software Development on Kubernetes - Part 1
1. Setting up Kubernetes Kubernetes is fast becoming, if not already, the OS for building cloud native applications. As someone put it, “the platform for building platforms”. As such people will w...
Load Testing with k6.io
Load testing is about putting production level demand on a system to simulate production. This helps measure and define requirements for best performance. I’ll show how we can easily set up one of ...
KubeCon Europe 2019 : My KubeCon Experience and What is Next
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019 was not my first international conference invite but it was the first one I actually got to go. The other one I couldn’t get to go was Elasti{ON} 2018 because o...
ChatOps : Building A Custom Slackbot
ChatOps “ChatOps is a new operational paradigm - work that is already happening in the background today is brought into a common chatroom. By doing this, you are unifying the communication about w...
Using Terraform on GCP, AWS and Physical Server
Terrafrom “Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool created by HashiCorp. It enables users to define and provision a datacenter infrastructure using a high-level configurat...