Malike St

Why TDD and How To With Fluentlenium, RestAssured, HamCrest and Mockito

1. What’s TDD? It stands for Test Driven Development. Simply meaning the Test Drives the Development(Coding). This is done in small parts and starts with writing a test for a feature. This involv...

Creating An In-Memory FIFO Cache

A well implemented HashMap in Java would give you performance of O(1) for get and put. Well implemented in this case means your hashCode and equals are helpful to reduce collisions. From Java 7 to...

Exploring LDAP Integration With Spring's AuthenticationProvider,OAuth2 and MongoDB for a SSO service

In this post I talked about using Spring Security OAuth2 and MongoDB (or any database of your choice). Today we are going explore the AuthenticationProvider in spring by building LDAP or Active Di...

Design Thinking Approach For Hobby Robotics Project - Part 2

Ok, this is the long overdue part two of where we left off. What are we doing today? 1. Give it a name 2. Components from prototype 3. Program 4. Simulation 1. Give it a name Because its mo...

... a little more with spring metrics

If you read this, we talked about capturing and reading application metrics. In this post I’ll show you how to do a little more with that data using Spring Metrics and Lambda Architecture which we...

Customer Stickiness For Your Enterprise

What is Customer Stickiness? “The degree to which the existing use of a product or service encourages its continued use as opposed to that of a competitor”.- investorwords.com A little about Ente...

Happy New Year

2015 was kind of great. But also a disappointing one that once again confirmed the Babel Theory. What is the Babel Theory? I’m guessing you’ve ever heard the tower of Babel story. If not read thi...

Design Thinking Approach For Hobby Robotics Project

I work at DreamOval and we were privileged to be part of the Stanford Seed training this year. One of the highlights of the training was Design Thinking. What is design thinking?. (follow link) ...

Multiple Spring Data MongoDB Connections

Using Spring Data Starter MongoDB to connect to multiple MongoDB databases is quite easy. Its less complicated when you use just MongoTemplate for all your queries. But gets complicated when you us...

Spring Metrics For Simple Event Monitoring

Sometimes (or all the time) you would want to know whats happening in your application’s life cycle. Spring Boot Metrics is just the right tool for application metrics in any Spring Boot Applicatio...